I looked at your homepage and managed to get about halfway through the childish
and inaccurate call-in-radio-style rant which lead the page. Try reading Jason
Stark's brilliant column on ESPN.com today for an example of witty and accurate
I won't be returning to your site, but I appreciate your invitation.
Aah, yer fadder's moustache! -Ed.

Dear Dr. Muddville,
Inspired by your trashing of Dubya and Banal Bud, Ive decided to make
a comeback as Commissioner.
the late Kenesaw Mt. Landis

no thanks....major league baseball provides nothing but shame
to its fan base..greed...juiced balls...steriods...strike deadlines during the
country's grimmest economic year in years...again, no thanks....baseball is dead
under its current work rules...only a lockout and implimentation of a sane salary
structure to its new players will save the game.....the current steriod-laced
players trying to make a living with real jobs would be hilarious.........
Czarniecki, Bernie

baseball? get a life
Wendell Plumlee

Dear Mudville:
Boy someone should have told me in advance they expect you to
work on the weekends. Life in the White House can be a real bore sometimes, what
with having to pay attention to everything, especially when the weather's nice.
Me and Laura used to sit and listen to the Rangers lose and barbecue up a good
half dozen burgers, and the Twins would "steal" my drinks, and we'd
all have such a good time. In those simple days I didn't care a whit about the
middle East, or Israel, and I didn't have to try to figure out what Tony Blair
was saying on the phone (he calls it a Tellywho knew?).
Well, I'm just ranting. Maybe you could lighten up a bit on this
boycott... it gives me a headache just thinking about it. And Bud's not so bad
if you buy a car from him now and then.
Keep on keeping on,
George W. Bush

Yankees suck
that's all i have to say.....
.... that's all i ever have to say.
well one more thing. i went to high school with mike trombley. i hope he's
doing better back as a twin.
