To the editor:
Re: your description of the sensation of a potential Twins loss to those darn Yanks in the playoffs. I believe the word is "painfuller."
Irritable Mark

Are YOU kidding? To paraphrase, "Ten Thousand men of Boston want victory for the Fish!" And not only that, but all of us Yankee- haters in Connecticut think the NYYs should take their 218. batting average and shove it you know where! Yankee losses are not complete consolation, but they do give some satisfaction (to parapharase another song).
Love Mudville!
M. Hayward

Regarding your report on Game 5, what do you mean Bret Boone? I imagine Bret was either at home watching FOX, or in the stadium.
Dwight Oxley
Wichita KS

Miami a baseball town, not in a million years (unless Brooklyn slides into the East River!!) Keep up the great work!
Bennett J. Lombardo, Ed.d.

Although I am a Red Sox fan, I thought Pedro's throwing Zimmer to the crowd was completely unnecessary. He could have sidestepped him and moved away... He roughly three him on the ground. Manny truly overreacted...the ball was at least two feet from his head.. .As for the Groundskeeper with cleatmarks on his back...those Yankee Pitchers may be charged...
Joe Pickering Jr.

I couldn't get back to sleep last night. I kept thinking about the home run Aaron Boone hit---the first pitch, a knuckleball from Tim seemed to me that Boone just knew what pitch was coming and where it would be, and he clobbered it into the left field seats...And I kept thinking, this is what makes the Yankees what they are, what they have been for so many decades. What a game! What a team!!!--ZC

I wish that the Fox commentators would limit their chatter and just call the game. They talk as though they were being paid by the word. They should call the game and stop trying to coach the the teams from the press box, this includes Tim McCarver. Thank goodness the volume can be turned down.
J. Oliver
