GOOD: Major League Baseball, The Montreal Expos
Major League Baseball? That's right, MLB. For these yahoos, in their desperate attempt to wring some money from the Expos, are trying just about anything.. and just about anything is what the Expos need. Playing in Puerto Rico is a great idea, and hopefully its success will prompt them to move the team around in '04 (you really think they'll solve the Expos problem in one year?) What else are you going to do
keep them in Montreal?
BAD: Mike Ilitch, The Detroit Tigers
Ilitch is the worst owner in Detroit Tigers history, bar none. Coming in at
the end of another hack, Tom Monaghan, who had
the dumb luck to purchase John Fetzer's soon-to-be-championship
team (and then proceeding to strip the farm clubs
of anything resembling talent), Ilitch has ridden
a wave of good feeling en route to the worst stretch
of Tiger baseball ever. He shut down good Tiger
Stadium which, despite his claims, did not need
to be closed. Then he claimed the new digs would
give the Tigers the money to be competitive. They
aren't. His Red Wings keep winning, and that makes
whatever lies (and they are lies) come out of
his mouth seem like gold to the sportswriters
of Detroit. There are bad owners, but none have
wreaked such havoc, and done so with less criticism,
than Mike Ilitch.
UGLY: George Steinbrenner, The New York
oh, hell, you know
Steinbrenner could be perceived as pure evil. Doesn't he know his bulging salaries are killing the widdle teams like Oakland and Minnesota? Wasn't he the goof who kept firing Billy Martin and antagonizing his players? Well, Steinbrenner also builds winners, and the jury's still out in our court as to whether or not dynasties help or hinder baseball. The Yankees success doesn't exist in a bell jar, insulated from George's influence. Love him or hate him, George Steinbrenner is the only owner alive today that will someday have a plaque in the Hall of Fame.
