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This Week: The Managers


THE GOOD: Bobby Cox, Atlanta Braves

You could argue that the finest executive staff in baseball hands Bobby Cox a wealth of talent on a silver platter, year after year. You could say that, again, year after year, he's had the luxury of being able to piece together a team around what is agreed upon as the backbone of champions—pitching. But what is often forgotten is that, with essentially the same hurlers since ‘91, and the abundance of relief controversies he's had, Cox should have had an off year or two. But he hasn't, and the numbers silence all critics: eleven years at number one (never a wild card), seven of which boasted the best record in the league. And this year will add one more check to both of those. Cox has had some good luck, sure, but so do all winners. That he's done it without the bottomless pockets of their foes, the New York Yankees, makes it all the more amazing.


THE BAD: Joe Torre, New York Yankees

Joe Torre? What's wrong with him? Well, maybe it's the fact that old Joe's become so entrenched in victory that he's turned into the worst thing imaginable: dull. Has Torre forgotten why people watch baseball? Consider the most egregious example: ordering Barry Bonds walked three times in the showdown with Clemens. When pressed for a reason, he dismissed complaints with this ripe one: "I'm paid to win games, not entertain." Pardon the cliché, but say it ain't so, Joe! Under his guidance, the Yankees are quickly becoming the most boring winner there is.


THE UGLY: Ron Gardenhire, Minnesota Twins

The next American League Manager of the Year is easily the most interesting—and talented—leader in this year's game, whether Doug Mientkiewicz agrees or not. Wait a minute, you say—isn't this the Ugly section of this article? It sure is and, like Eli Wallach in the film of the same name, you can't take your eyes off him. He shouts, rages, paces, and, well, he's kind of ugly. But Gardenhire's got this team going to the playoffs, and it's not just because the White Sox and Indians stink, nor is it simply because he lets a group of mature players 'do whatever they want'. The man's got strategy, patience, and he's made this team look they're not just going to roll over for the Yanks this fall…perhaps on their way to meeting Atlanta for a rematch of '91.


Movie of the Week

As In Wreck

By Bill Veeck
and Ed Linn

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