If you ever have the opportunity, Justin, you need to take some time and listen to Buck O'Neill talk. Mr. O'Neill is a class act if ever I saw one.
I watched a panel discussion of the Negro Leagues during a SABR convention. Mr. O'Neill, one of the panelists, shot back at a question about the tragedy of the Negro Leagues players that it was a good life, a great life. Yes, they were discriminated against, but they had a great time in their travels and playing the game. He made it clear that their experience was overwhelmingly positive. Mr. O'Neill was also present when SABR went to Kansas City and visited the Negro Leagues Museum, and perhaps you saw him in Ken Burns's "Baseball."
Mr. O'Neill and many other fine gentlemen made up the Negro Leagues and if you ever have an opportunity to visit with any of them, or attend a panel discussion or listen to one of them give a speech, I heartily recommend that
you do so. They are priceless. They did have to contend with discrimination, but they made the most of their opportunity to play the game, and did so with relish.
Linda J. Nichols
San Marcos, Texas

Look, it's late May, and my Rangers are once again fighting for the top spot. See, I can really hope for them this year, because there's no chance of a jinx, especially since I don't stand a chance at reelection, unless of course my boys get an amendment passed. No matter: I'm enjoying watching Kenny Rogers do his thing. Reminds me of when I used to run Texas, things were sort of easy-like, not much in the way of a windup, but I got the thing done, even if I did serve up some gopherballs.
You think you can up your coverage of the Rangers? Laura won't let me watch TV before bed, and she caught me with the transistor by my ear the other night. These games go on so late! If you covered them, I could pretend to be reading Drudge, and she'd never know!
All the best,

Have you guys ever heard of San Diego? I know it's not east of the Mississippi but please turn your eyes to the southwest. Maybe major league baseball is played there. There are rumors you know.
Dave Nuffer
